27 Jul: The difference between stress and anxiety

  If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download…


27 Jul: Why bite your nails and what you can do to avoid it

Seguro que conoces a alguien que se muerde una uña en un entorno cercano a ti. Quizás tú también eres esa persona. Y es que el hábito de mordernos las uñas es muy común: se estima que hasta un 30% de la población tiene este hábito, que es mucho más común entre niños y adolescentes. es.

27 Jul: Bedroom TV Increases Risk of Childhood Obesity

  If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download…


27 Jul: Is gelatin a new “panacea”?

  If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download…


27 Jul: Is it possible to have a period during pregnancy?

  If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download…


27 Jul: Train your entire body with a disc

  If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download…