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Training one hour a week by contract: it is already a reality for Swedish companies


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Thanks to recent research, it is known that physical activity can not only improve productivity at work, but can also significantly improve your health by incorporating healthy habits into your life. This is known especially in Sweden, one of the countries where more physical activity is carried out. As a result, some Swedish companies are beginning to include clauses in their contracts that require workers to exercise for one hour a week.


Many independent companies provide employees with healthy habits and training services. Other companies offer weekly yoga and Pilates classes for employees and certain residents on the premises.


Published on Unplash by Rayyu Maldives photographer



Promoting healthy habits at work is a habit that both employers and employees acquire with the aim of improving productivity on the one hand and improving health on the other.


Companies care about the health of their employees because they know that healthy and healthy workers have high productivity and low absenteeism. The values ​​associated with sport, such as the spirit of improvement and teamwork, are usually aligned with the business philosophy. Those corporations that are capable of managing to improve the health of workers by promoting healthy habits achieve long-term benefits.


Two of the main health problems we face in the workplace are a sedentary lifestyle and work-induced stress, both of which can be improved by regular exercise.


Job stress can lead to serious problems, especially in jobs where people are on release for looming deadlines or where workers must deal with unexpected situations on a daily basis (for example, the service sector). Workplace stress is known to be one of the factors that increase the risk of stroke.



Published on Unplash by LOGAN WEAVER


As part of that, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of workplace pathology, including back pain and injuries associated with prolonged use of mice and keyboards. This is the case, for example, of carpal tunnel syndrome, which has recently been recognized as an occupational disease in the commercial field.


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