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Regular exercise prepares our life by actively altering our brain


Due to this, body movement and health are closely related to the work of the brain. But we can conclude with the existing scientific evidence that regular exercise prepares our lives by actively altering our brain.

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regular exercise optimizes your brain

Specifically, exercise stimulates the processes that lead to neurogenesis, increases resistance to brain damage, and improves learning and mental performance. However, in addition to this, it is concluded that exercise promotes plasticity in the brain and not only ensures neuronal maintenance, survival and growth, but can also be more resistant to external or internal negative aspects.

Similarly, as has been shown in rodents, when we exercise regularly, our brains are more resistant to the effects of stress, so cognitive performance and alertness do not decline sooner. This means that when we are faced with difficult situations in our work day, our brain works better and when we are physically active our resolution capacity is greater.

Published on Unplash by Victor Freitas

Regular and challenging exercises help manage frustration, perseverance, and progress toward goals. That is, prepare for daily life.

There is also evidence that exercise improves executive functions such as goal achievement and inhibitory control. This is the key to being persistent in our lives and succeeding according to our detailed goals.

In addition, exercise is a challenge for our brain, especially when it is complicated and requires effort and dedication, which leads to a significant improvement in brain health, which makes us more deterministic and prepared to face the day to day. Our routine or other challenges on a larger scale.

For all this, regular and challenging exercises prepare us for our day to day, manage frustration, are persistent and, according to our purposes, to reach the following successful situations: Helps progress.

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