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9 foods to gain weight in a healthy way


For those looking to lose weight, gaining weight is an easy task. The challenge is to protect the body by focusing on health first, and gain weight without dieting on junk food.


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Brazil nuts, walnuts and macadamia nuts are the calories with the highest concentration of good fats for our body and are ideal for increasing the energy intake of the diet without forgetting quality.


We can consume nuts in the form of snacks daily in small handfuls, or incorporate them into crushed or powdered preparations to increase satiety. Therefore, you can add them to homemade sauces and dressings, cake batter, pies, breads, or in a bowl of milk or yogurt at breakfast.


Cashew fruit


They are a type of very small seed and can be easily added to any type of preparation such as a pie base, empanadas, smoothies, cakes and cookies. Best of all, though, they feature health-preserving calcium-rich antioxidant polyphenols.




Published on Unplash by Katie Barnes


These seeds are less satisfactory because they concentrate more essential fatty acids and their composition has less protein than other choices. Therefore, its intake is more than beneficial for health and helps to add many daily calories.


Extra virgin olive oil


Like all vegetable oils, it has 99.9% fat, which is why it occupies a prominent place in the ranking of caloric foods, especially among those of excellent quality.


In addition, extra virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and withstands high temperatures, which makes it ideal for cooking, with a pleasant flavor that stands out among locally produced oils. Recommended for daily use as part of the dressing or as other preparations such as biscuits and homemade jams.


Wheat oats


It is one of the options with the highest caloric content of all cereals, it is high in fiber and vegetable protein and has valuable properties for the body such as healthy fats, vitamins and minerals that protect the body.



Published on Unplash by Jorge Fernández Salas


On the other hand, it is very versatile and suitable for a variety of dishes that help you gain weight with a healthy diet, such as homemade cookies, burgers, shakes and energy bars.


peanut butter


A widely used breakfast food on toast, it is also suitable for a variety of recipes with a variety of excellent nutrients and valuable properties, such as healthy dressings and ice creams.


Of course, we recommend the sugar-free version, which makes it easier to obtain a food rich in vegetable proteins at home, but above all, it enriches your diet and gains kilos while you are healthy. It is a good source of calories that can be obtained from high-quality fats.




For healthy people who want to remember their sweets and gain weight, dates can be very helpful in preparing sweet dishes with natural sugar and other high-quality nutrients.


In addition to sugar, the date contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, fiber and antioxidants typical of fruits. When used as a sweetener, it adds a large amount of calories to the diet with which you will increase your weight.


Hazelnut cream


Hazelnut spread is a great option that can be used as an alternative to butter and margarine in many recipes. When cooking at home, you can make “nutera” without adding sugar. Ideal for maintaining good health by adding high-quality calories to your diet.



Published on Unplash by Niyas Khan


Hazelnut spread allows you to make cookies, healthy brownies, or a variety of other delicious, fatty dishes without the need for high sugar, vitamin E, or potassium.


dried peach


This is a way to add good quality carbohydrates, especially fiber, potassium, iron, and vegetable calcium.


Without the addition of sugar, dried peaches go great with a variety of dishes such as energy bars, salads, smoothies, dips and can make for a sweet and energetic preparation. They also contain many nutrients and will help you gain weight without going overboard with sugar.




Although it is a fresh fruit, it has more calories than others because it contains fat. It is a source of high proportions of potassium, fiber and vitamin B, and also contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are fatty acids that help cardiovascular health, along with other properties that avocados provide.


Avocado, consumed in desserts, empanadas, sauces and a variety of other preparations, on the other hand, helps to enrich our diet with nutrients and increase calories while taking care of our health.


If you want to stay healthy, gain weight, and add more calories to your diet while getting good nutrients, we recommend you consider these nine foods.


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