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What does this carry? Ingredient list of processed products

To start a healthy diet from the shopping cart, we need to become consumers by selecting the foods and products that are best for our health. Reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists on the products that go into our carts is the only way to ensure that our diet is healthy.


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A new initiative has sprung up on social media to help read the ingredient list. “What is this?” Through a simple yet very insightful layout, this new profile (found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) tells you about the ingredients in processed products typically found in our pantry.


The list of ingredients of a product reveals very interesting information about it: The order of the ingredients reveals which of the products has the greatest presence (the first on the list is the product with the greatest amount by weight)


Published on Unplash by alan gore


In some cases, reading nutrition labels won’t give you all the information you need, so it’s important that efforts like this one or sinazucar.org provide a visual indication of what you need to know.


It is always good for consumers to have all the information about what we buy in hand and clearly.

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