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If you want to lose weight being vegan, these tips will help you achieve it


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Not all vegans are healthy or light, so the vegan diet does not lose weight. If you are a vegan and want to lose weight, here are some tips for going vegan.

First: Cut Ultra-Processed Carbs From Your Diet

When starting a vegan diet, it is common for many foods to be a source of carbohydrates, some of which are of poor quality. Similarly, there are many product trends that have made a breakthrough in the industry, as described below for animal-based foods such as cheese and yogurt.

It does not favor weight loss, so it is necessary to eliminate super-processed carbohydrates from food in the first place.

To do this, it is better to consume whole and unprocessed carbohydrates, such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit, etc… and avoid ultra-processed foods such as sweets, white bread, sugar, pastries or industrial chips.

Subtracting carbs means eliminating free sugars and then saying goodbye to unrefined flour.

Add vegetable protein and fiber to increase satiety.

To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than we expend daily. Therefore, adding vegetable proteins such as tofu, seitan, tempeh, various legumes, nuts and seeds can go a long way in achieving a good level of satiety.

In the same way, to obtain enough fiber, it is essential that each meal does not lack fresh fruits and vegetables, providing the body with very few calories and good nutrients.

Dried seaweed, peanut butter, and whole grains are also available, but overuse can result in significant carbohydrate formation.

Choose water as your usual drink and avoid fried foods

The last piece of advice if you want to lose weight on a vegan diet, although it is applicable to any diet, is that the usual drink is water, which is the key to weight control, since its intake promotes good hydration.

On the other hand, avoid fried foods that contain fat and calories, even if they are vegan and very healthy. For this reason, we recommend steamed, microwaved, grilled or baked.

These tips will help you lose weight on a vegan diet and at the same time help you protect your health with a nutrient-dense diet.

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