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Types of tea to lose fat

Types of tea to lose fat

Tea is after water, the most consumed drink in the world. This aromatic drink can be classified into different types of tea according to its flavor and texture and its origin is from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, a type of perennial shrub native to Southeast Asia.

Drinking the tea is associated with several health benefits including protecting cells from damage and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Additionally, other studies have found that the tea can enhance weight loss and help fight belly fat. In particular, some types of tea have been found to be more effective than others in achieving these goals.

So what is the best tea to burn fat? Among the best types of tea to lose fat and burn fat, we will introduce you to the most outstanding ones.

#1 White tea

White tea stands out among other types of tea because it is very little processed and harvested even while the tea plant is still young. White tea tastes very different from other types of tea and is characterized by a delicate, slightly sweet flavor.

The benefits of white tea have been well studied, ranging from improving oral health to destroying cancer cells in some laboratory tests. In any case, and although additional research is needed, white tea may contribute to losing weight and body fat.

Among the available studies considering white tea, there are two representative ones that explain how white tea and green tea have comparable amounts of catechins, which is a type of flavonoid present, for example, in apples, which can help you lose weight.

In addition to this study, a laboratory analysis showed that white tea increases the breakdown of fat cells and prevents the formation of new ones. Keep in mind, however, that this was a test-tube study and the results are not yet conclusive for people.

#2 Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular kinds of tea in the world and is associated with health benefits.

Among the types of fat loss tea, green tea has also been identified as the most effective fat loss tea due to the bioactive substances such as caffeine and antioxidants that it contains that provide metabolism-boosting and fat-burning effects.

A study conducted with the aim of identifying the ability of green tea to lose weight used a group of 60 obese people for analysis. During the tests, these people followed a standard diet for 12 weeks in which they drank green tea and placebo.

The results of the study were conclusive when it was shown at the end of the exercise that the group that drank green tea during the 12 weeks reduced their weight by 3.3kg more than the group drinking placebo.

And this is not the only study. Another study conducted by a group of Japanese researchers found that their test group drinking green tea extract for 12 weeks experienced significant decreases in body weight and waistline and body fat compared to the control group.

These results also apply to matcha, which is nothing more than a concentrated type of powdered green tea that contains the same beneficial ingredients as green tea.

#3 Black tea

Black tea is one of the best known types of fat loss tea. This type of tea is characterized by having carried out a more pronounced oxidation than other types of tea such as green tea, white tea or oolong tea.

Oxidation is a chemical process that occurs when the tea leaves come into contact with air, resulting in a darkening of the tea leaves characteristic of black teas.

Among the different types and mixtures of tea to lose weight and burn fat, black tea has varieties such as Earl Gray and English Breakfast, several studies have shown that black tea can be effective in controlling weight loss.

A recent study on the intake of black tea in a population of people concludes that drinking black tea for three months can help reduce weight and body fat when compared to the intake of caffeinated beverages.

Some researchers have attributed these results to the presence of flavonoids in the tea. Flavonoids are plant pigments found in tea leaves that have antioxidant properties.

These results were obtained by analyzing the intake of flavonoids from food and black tea in an adult population for 14 years. Finally, it was shown that the individuals with the highest intake of flavonoids had a lower body mass index within the group.


#4 Te Oolong

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that has been partially exposed to air and has slightly oxidized, achieving an intermediate appearance between green and black tea.

This type of fat loss tea is often described as fruity with a fragrant aroma and unique flavor, although these nuances can vary depending on the level of oxidation.

Several studies have shown that oolong tea can help with weight loss by improving fat burning and speeding up metabolism.

For one of these studies, researchers concluded that oolong tea intake among an obese population reduced weight and body fat in this group after drinking tea every day for six weeks. The justification in this case would be related to the activation of the metabolism of the individuals who drank tea.

In another case study, oolong tea and water were distributed to a sample of men during a three-day experiment, concluding the analysis with an almost 3% increase in energy expenditure among those who drank the tea. On average, they burned more than 280 more calories thanks to the intake of oolong tea.

For now it seems that the research community is satisfied with the results of the studies on oolong tea so that the link between tea intake and metabolic activation is accepted.

#5 Red Tea

This type of tea to lose fat may not be one of the best known, which does not mean that it is less effective. Red tea is also known as pu’er or pu-erh tea and is a type of fermented black tea originating in China.

This fat burning tea is usually taken after eating, and has an earthy aroma that increases with the time it has been stored.

The clues that researchers have found about how black tea helps with weight loss are that black tea can lower blood sugar and triglycerides in people and animals.

For one of these studies, a representative sample of seventy men was selected who were given a black tea or placebo for three months. Those who took the tea capsules lost their weight an average of more than 2 kg more than those who only took placebo.

Other studies have also shown the anti-obesity effects of red tea extract in animals. However, the research carried out on te puerh is limited, so additional studies are needed to understand its full effects.


#6 Herbal tea

Herbal teas use the infusion of herbs, spices and fruits in hot water. These teas differ from traditional types of fat loss teas in that they do not contain caffeine and are not made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.

Among the most popular types of tea we can find rooibos fat loss tea, ginger tea, rosehip tea and hibiscus tea. All of them are herbal teas.

At first it would seem that herbal teas can vary greatly in their composition, so it would be almost impossible to obtain conclusive results on whether they can help us reduce our weight or lose fat.

But is not the case.

In an animal study, several Chinese researchers discovered that by giving herbal tea to obese rats, they decreased their weight and managed to normalize their hormone levels.

In another laboratory study on rooibos tea, it was found that this type of weight loss tea increased metabolism and helped block the formation of fat cells.

Once again, the results of analyzes carried out with animals and in laboratories can give us an indication of how herbal tea is one of the types of tea to lose fat, although more studies are still necessary to conclude about the effects of herbal tea. in people.


If you are thinking about what kind of drinks you can drink to lose weight or lose weight, fat burning tea can be a wonderful choice due to its natural properties to help you lose weight.

In this sense, you can replace drinks with many calories such as juices from soft drinks in your diet and replace them with tea. Especially you can use any of the types of tea that we have mentioned in this post because although additional research is still needed on its effects on people, white, black, herbal, green, oolong and puerh teas have achieved results in reducing the weight and lose fat.

A cup of tea or two every day is not going to turn you into a paintbrush. But if you want to scratch on all fronts, it won’t hurt to drink weight loss and fat burning tea daily and combine it with a good diet and better exercise routine.

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