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The Ultimate Guide to Protein Shakes: What to Buy, When and How to Make Them

Protein shakes are one of the most used nutritional supplements by people who train. They are used more frequently to introduce a sports diet and provide the body with the additional doses of protein necessary to develop physical activity since they are perfect to eat. Many people still don’t really understand when and how they affect us. It is this article that we analyze.


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When we talk about protein shakes, we usually know what we mean. In addition, the vast majority of athletes usually use it. Many times, however, the choice of protein shake is not the most appropriate, as are the moments and conditions of consumption. To learn more about them, it is important to dwell on their properties and types.


what is protein


The first thing you must be very clear about is what a protein shake or a protein supplement is. Rather, we need to know what a protein is, and the amino acids that provide us with proteins. The amino acids that the body breaks down and uses to regenerate and maintain body tissue are generally essential. That is, they are not produced in our body but are obtained through food. These essential amino acids are necessary for proper organ function.



Published on Unplash by John Fornander


Protein provides us with the essential amino acids necessary to achieve the best shape.


When we exercise, we need to provide the body with essential amino acids to prevent muscle wasting and organ dysfunction. A healthy diet should provide us with the amino acids we need, but in many cases the body needs a plus, which is why we use protein shakes. However, to do it correctly, it is essential to know its methodology and operation.


What is a protein shake?


At this point, we must stop at what is the protein shake. In essence, they are made up of high concentrations of protein, which provides the body with the amount of amino acids it needs. You should not replace the usual diet since the additional proteins are a mere support when the muscles need to be kept in perfect condition.


When it comes to protein shakes, it should be noted that they come in the form of liquid-soluble powders. You can use water, juice, milk and any other drink you like. No preparation or cooking required, just mix and drink.



Published on Unplash by Sergio Pedemonte


The shake is a simple way to obtain the necessary protein intake, not just a perfect food supplement.


Shakes can be consumed by anyone, especially when playing sports. The downside to protein shakes is that we believe we should consume them every time we train to gain more muscle mass. All activities involve muscle wear, so both those who practice fitness in a traditional way and those who practice running can use these protein supplements.


Protein shake benefits


For this reason, we need to see the benefits of consuming protein shakes.


As mentioned above, protein shakes provide essential amino acids, especially branched chain amino acids that help repair muscle tissue.


Also, it’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to consume protein and helps reduce muscle loss during high-endurance activity.


They provide us with leucine, which helps the body’s protein synthesis. In addition, they provide glutamines that help us improve general muscle condition.


Protein shakes give us energy, the amount of amino acids we need, leave us more satisfied…



Published on Unplash by Alora Griffiths



Raises blood levels and is an immediate source of energy. In addition to helping you get the amount of protein you need, the shakes are low in sugar and fat, which helps you get amino acids in a healthy way without jeopardizing your weight.


Taking these shakes will increase the feeling of satiety and will prevent the feeling of hunger due to consuming food at the wrong time.


Consuming protein shakes helps reduce the effects of free radicals released as a result of exercise-induced oxidation, helping to increase glutamine levels, one of the body’s major antioxidants.


Different types of proteins


Taking into account these considerations regarding the benefits of consumption, it is necessary to focus on the different types that you can find on the market and the best time to consume each one.


Whey or whey protein


First of all, the queen of proteins, whey or whey protein. It is made with the most consumed protein derived from whey. This type of protein provides a large amount of essential amino acids. In addition, due to their high biological value, they are easily absorbed, which is why it is usually taken after or during sports activities to provide the body with what it needs to recover.


There are three types of whey protein: protein concentrate, protein isolate, and hydrolyzate. The three differences are the processes by which the whey is obtained and passed through.


Whey protein is the star, followed by casein, eggs, meat, and plant-based.


casein protein


Next is casein. It’s kind of a sustained release protein. In addition, although it is obtained from milk, it is slow to digest, so it is recommended, when it is not accompanied by food, to consume it at night or during the day. This will help maintain muscle fiber nutrition for longer and speed up recovery.


protein release sequence


The third type emphasizes sequential release proteins. They are composed of a mixture of different types of proteins that have different types of assimilation and are released into the blood, such as casein and whey. This type of protein achieves an absorption sequence at the time when the concentration of amino acids in the blood is high compared to other low times. They can be taken throughout the day. They are usually used as a dietary supplement to achieve the overall contribution that the body needs.


egg protein


Another type of protein that is consumed in a shake is eggs. Specifically, it is known as albumin and is the second most popular after lactic acid whey. It has a high biological value and is very well absorbed in the body. Provides the essential amino acids necessary for muscle recovery. Due to its continuous release into the blood, it is usually taken with food or at any time. You don’t have to take it only when you exercise.


meat protein


On the other hand, there are meat proteins. Its quality is similar to that of whey, with the only exception that it does not contain lactose. They are one of the best options, especially for intolerant people. Since they are quickly assimilated, their consumption is the same as that of lactic acid whey. It is recommended to take it after and during exercise to start muscle recovery quickly enough.


vegetable protein


Lastly, go for a plant-based protein shake. They are obtained from rice, soybeans, peas or cannabis. They are the perfect replacement for animal-based proteins, which continue to have a high biological value and provide almost all the amino acids necessary for proper muscle function, but are used by vegans and vegetarians. It is most often used as a supplement to a vegetarian diet, but any type of person can consume it without problems.


It is always good to consult with a medical professional when using these types of supplements. Also, keep in mind that everyone in the daily diet should consume approximately 0.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For sports activities, the consumption increases to 1.4-2 grams per kilogram of body weight.


Some recipes to prepare with protein powder


The powdered protein that is used to prepare the shake is not only consumed in liquid form, but also helps to enrich the dish to be prepared and provides additional protein that provides more nutrients.


Therefore, we will highlight some recipes that can be made from protein powder.

  • Homemade Fitness Cheesecake
  • low calorie fitness tiramisu
  • Simple Vegan Banana Pancakes Recipe
  • Light zucchini pancakes
  • Chocolate protein fitness galleta


Here are some examples of what we can do with healthy ingredients and protein powders.Although always keep in mind that protein powder is a supplement and should not be an essential ingredient.Whenever possible it is best to stick to a nutritious and healthy diet of natural form.


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