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Pistachio: benefits and characteristics


This February 26 is World Pistachio Day, and although I know that the celebrations can be at any time. I don’t know who decided it, but it’s a great day because I get to celebrate one of my favorite nuts.


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What is pistachio?


The pistachio is a fruit of the pistachio, a small tree native to the Middle East from Greece to Pakistan and Afghanistan. To date, Iran is one of the largest pistachio producers in the world, followed by the United States and other countries, including Spain.


The part we eat is actually the seeds, which are among the fruits most of us have never seen. The seeds are roasted and salted, accompanying as a garnish, in sauces or desserts.


Pistachio properties


Published on Unplash by Neora Aylon


Pistachio is very nutritious, approximately 30 grams contains approximately 156 calories: 8 grams of carbohydrates, 3 fibers, 6 proteins, 12 fats (90% healthy fats), potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B6, copper, followed by manganese. ..


In fact, pistachios are one of the foods richest in vitamin B6 and it is important for many functions in the body, such as regulating blood sugar and forming hemoglobin.


Food rich in antioxidants


Antioxidants are essential for health, as they prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer. Pistachios contain more antioxidants than most nuts and seeds. Only nuts have more.


On the other hand, they are the most abundant in lutein and zeaxanthin, especially the antioxidants that contribute to our eye health and protect them from blue light damage and age-related macular degeneration.


Furthermore, the antioxidants contained in the pistachio have been shown to be particularly susceptible to absorption during digestion.


Low in calories and rich in protein.


Although eating nuts has many health benefits, it also involves consuming a lot of calories. The pistachio is one of the nuts with fewer calories. Consuming about 30 grams of pistachios means eating about 156 calories, walnuts 183, and hazelnuts 173.


Published on Unplash by Jade Stephens


In addition, 20% of the weight of the pistachio is protein, which is why it is only placed below the almonds in this section.


They help you lose weight


Although nuts are a high-calorie food, they are considered a good ally to lose weight due to their contribution of healthy fats, proteins, and fibers.


Few studies have examined the effect of pistachio on body weight, but those that do exist are promising. During a 12-week weight loss program, those who ate about 50 grams of pistachios per day as a snack were able to lose more weight than those who ate cookies. In another 24-week study in overweight people, it was observed that those who ate 20% of the calories from pistachios lost 1.5 cm more from their waist than those who did not eat pistachios.


In addition to protein and fiber, another factor that may contribute to pistachio’s slimming properties is that fat may not be fully absorbed. Some studies have shown malabsorption of fats from nuts. This occurs because some of these fats are inside the cell wall, preventing them from dissolving in the digestive tract.



Published on Unplash by serjan midili






Published on Unplash by Nehal Patel


Finally, thanks to the fact that they have to be peeled and opened, pistachios are perfect for eating more slowly and consciously. One study found that shelled pistachios were eaten 41% faster than shelled.


Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.


Pistachio seems to have a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol


Pistachios appear to have a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which may help fight cardiovascular disease. Several studies have analyzed and concluded that pistachio intake helps reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol without negatively affecting blood lipid levels.


It will also reduce stress more effectively than other nuts.


Helps control blood sugar.


Although rich in carbohydrates, pistachio’s low glycemic index does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels after a meal and actually helps control blood sugar levels.


Studies show that adding approximately 50 grams of pistachio nuts to a carbohydrate-rich diet reduces postprandial blood glucose levels by 20-30% in healthy people.


Another study showed that people with type 2 diabetes had a 9% reduction in sugar spikes after eating about 25 grams of pistachio nuts twice a day for 12 weeks.


How to add pistachios to your diet


If you want to start eating pistachios, do it! They will make your perfect lunches and snacks. Of course, if possible buy them without salt. You can find them at any grocery store and supermarket.


There is no longer an excuse to try this rich dry fruit.


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