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Heura: a new vegan ingredient that mimics chicken


Are you a vegan who misses meat or do you want to eat something that tastes like meat?


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What is Hera? What are their characteristics?


According to its own creator, Heura is part of the third generation vegetable protein. With innovative technology, Heura is made from soybeans. Soybeans are very similar to chicken in texture, appearance and even flavor.


Unlike other soybean derivatives such as textured soybeans, which are achieved using dry extrusion technology, Heura is achieved using wet soybean extrusion technology, which does not require pre-consumer treatment.


Its ingredients are water, soybean concentrate, sunflower oil, salt, aroma and various spices such as paprika, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, mace and cardamom.


Published on Unplash by Matthew LeJune


Therefore, in line with its fibrous aspect, a 100% vegan food is achieved, moist and very similar to meat when eaten, especially similar to chicken breast.


Spices, soybeans, and sunflower oil supply the body with complex carbohydrates, high-quality protein, excellent fats, and a good mix of various vitamins and minerals, so the ingredients make this new vegan food an excellent nutritious choice. In addition, it has only 126 Kcal per 100 grams and can be used in various recipes such as chicken.


The only known drawbacks of this new vegan food, called Heura, are its high price, which is around 27 euros per kilogram, and the few outlets. It is basically only distributed in specialized vegan or vegetarian stores on the market.

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