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6 best exercises with elastic bands to train your entire body


Elastic or resistance bands are one of the most useful accessories available at a low price in any fitness store, since they allow you to move your entire body without having to be in the gym or have a machine or weights. Or a bar.

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elastic band squats

Use elastic bands for squat work and work only with the resistance of the band itself, adding strength to the exercise without the need to use heavy loads that can cause injury.

The mechanics and techniques are so similar that you can perform double leg squats and replace them with single leg squats or lunges.

DEADLIFT with resistance band

The deadlift is an exercise that affects both the lower back muscles and the gluteal muscles and the hamstring, so the goal is to move the entire rear chain.

By using a resistance band in this exercise, you can focus on this technique to avoid using excessive loads and avoid injury. It can be a step up from performing a barbell and plate deadlift in the gym. It is important to note that performing this exercise on an elastic band is aimed at mastering and internalizing the technique. It’s harder to do without weights than with weights, and deadlifting without weights is of little use.

Bench press with elastic band

The advantage of bench pressing with an elastic band is that you can lie on the floor or a bench and stand up and exercise. By using these bands, you always work with the same degree of resistance (at least as long as you’re using the same band) and you reduce the risk of injury by eliminating the chance of the bar dropping.

Like all the exercises we see with elastic bands, the bench press can also help improve technique and correct positioning errors that we may have, especially with regard to shoulder protection. They often roll them forward when they can’t lift, which creates a lot of instability in the scapulohumeral joint.

facepull with elastic band

The back of the shoulder is one of the most difficult areas for us to isolate, so this exercise is a very useful option to do a good job. Also, it is probably the best way to start working with elastic bands to develop this area before using the weights, since they tend to be quite weak parts.

It is very important to incorporate exercises that strengthen the back of the shoulder, since most of the routine movements performed at the scapulohumeral joint are on the front surface. Avoid injuries caused by bad movements or weakness in the area.

Side raise with elastic band

The outer head of the triangular muscle helps give the shoulder a rounded appearance, which generally helps to give it the “perch” appearance that is often seen.

By doing this exercise with an elastic band, you can focus on slow, controlled movements. This stabilizes the tension throughout the movement.

Military press with resistance band

The military press is an exercise that can be incorporated into our daily lives, in order to accommodate the actions we perform when trying to place an object on a raised surface, for example a box on a shelf. ..

As with the dead lifts, performing this exercise with a rubber band will help you do it with the correct form and avoid poor form that can lead to injury.

Rowing with elastic band

Rowing with an elastic band is one of the best exercises that we can include in our routine and we use it to move our back muscles. It does not use weights, but does use resistance, making it a great alternative for people with back problems. ..

Also, to avoid using weights, you can focus on technique and perform shoulder blade contractions in the last part of the exercise. This can increase the stability of the scapulohumeral bone and the entire scapulohumeral joint.



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