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Train with FITENIUM app! – Squat Warm Up Routine

Train with FITENIUM app! – Warm-up routine for squats

If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. In Fitenium users can share the progress you get from training, so we look forward to seeing how you warm up for squats. Download it here.

Warming up is key to our progress in training as a good warm up will reduce, but not eliminate, the chances of injury. Many do not give any importance to the warm-up and even say that “it’s lazy”, then come the discomfort and knee pain because they were not able to find out how to warm up before doing squats.

warm up squats

On the other hand, the squat warm-up has several positive effects on our training, such as the following:
– flexibility improvement
– performance improvement
– increased lubrication of the joints
less risk of injury

Our warm-up for squats is divided into the three joints we have in our lower body: hip, knee, and ankle. It is important to have all three joints lubricated when we are going to do squats or any other lower body exercise. This squat warmup is valid for any lower body workout so you can use it for lunges, deadlifts, or any other exercise.

warm up for squats: part 1 ankle

Ankle Rotation: 10 Reps with each foot
Ankle Activation: 10 Reps with each foot
Ankle Mobility against the Wall: 10 Reps with each foot


squat warm up part 2 hip

Hip Rotation: 10 Reps
Hip Stretch: 10 Reps
Unilateral Hip Stretch: 10 repetitions with each leg

squat warm-up: part 3 Knee

Knee Flexor Stretch: 10 Reps per leg
Knee Rotation: 10 Reps
Bodyweight Squat: 10 Reps
Deep Squat Pose: 30 Seconds
Pike Squat: 10 Reps

With this squat warm-up, you will be ready to start approaching to start your squat routine, share your training at Fitenium, we are waiting for you!

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