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Fitness and business on YouTube – Invicthor

Invicthor – Mixing fitness and business

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Invicthor is an influencer who constantly dances between fitness, business and the economy. Out of the batch in which many young people like Ernest Dift, The Titan and many others began to show their fitness lifestyle to the world from the point of view of young adults closely related to new technologies and social networks. However, Invicthor was able to detect that the Youtube fitness sector had many limitations and tried to create more varied content while also diversifying its activities in order to have more stable sources of income. Its content has balanced between fitness and business, having times with more fitness and times with more business.

Name Victor Dominguez Burguillo
Age 24 years
Ciudad Madrid
Training Business Management
Content Fitness, economy and entertainment
Youtube Mistermarkinos – Fitness and physical exercise 101K Followers
Instagram vittoriomalatesta 77.6K Followers
Twitter @wallstwolverine 5.2K Followers
Facebook Invicthor1 3.4K Likes

This channel was born as another channel more focused on the fitness lifestyle but always with a veneer of humor and entertainment, since apart from videos about supplementation, training or talking, he answered questions from his followers and made videos of his day to day or “messing it up” on vacation or in general lighter content that seeks to entertain rather than train. In the beginning, he also took advantage of talking about other fitness youtubers or bodybuilders to take advantage of the visits derived from those channels, however, always giving an objective opinion and without seeking salsa. In general, it can be said that its content attacked fitness from another point of view that is not the usual one of routines, diets, technique and other content that is already more than chewed by professionals with much more knowledge such as Powerexplosive or Tarrako.

However, Invicthor quickly detected that fitness on YouTube was in clear decline and for this reason its content became less and less fitness and began to talk much more about the economy and society, touching on thorny issues without cutting a hair, being very critical of feminism or speaking openly that her political option is VOX. This has earned him quite a bit of criticism calling him a macho or fascist, although he denies having those kinds of ideas. He finally decided to separate his activity and opened a secondary channel “Wall Street Wolverine” where he now has even more activity than his initial channel.

There was a time when he was motivated by his physical change and even wanted to compete, but he just got involved with his new project that we will talk about now and there came a point where he literally couldn’t handle everything. Invicthor had to choose between fitness and business and the latter option was the winner.

fitness and businessThis project we were talking about earlier is Pegasus, a training platform that aims to optimize advice for athletes as much as possible and be able to take a larger number of people more efficiently. Curiously, he has defined Pegasus as a Start Up several times and this definition is at best debatable since it does not have an innovative business model nor is it scalable.

Currently, Invicthor has almost completely renewed its audience, on its main channel it practically does not talk about fitness but about travel and lifestyle and its secondary channel is where it has the most activity and, as we mentioned before, it talks about everything except fitness. It has been diversifying its sources of income for some time and YouTube is the most minority source of all, although it continues to have a presence in RRSS due to its sponsors and the advertising it does.

What do you think of Invictor? Is he a capitalist pig or just a liberal? Can your project be considered Start Up?

Leave us your comments.

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