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Ranking of fitness influencers in Spanish

Ranking of fitness influencers in Spanish

If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download it here.

Where does this ranking of Fitness influencers come from and why we do it

The ranking presented below has been obtained from the sports habits survey carried out on more than 350 users interested in strength training in 2018. If you want to know more details about how we conducted the interview and why we conducted it, we describe it here.


In particular, for the influencers question we use an open format asking: Which fitness influencers do you follow or do you think are most important? Users had an open text field where they could type whatever they wanted. Once the surveys were completed, we dedicated ourselves to assigning votes to each of the mentioned influencers. For each mention, one vote. The graph with the votes collected by each of the mentioned influencers were the following:


Do you have something to say? Do it.

Some users have told us that the ranking does not correspond to reality. That is why we would like to emphasize that these data are NOT our opinions or those of anyone in particular. The graph represents the opinions of the 350 users who filled out the sports habits survey. If you want to add your opinion about the ranking of influencers or recommend other influencers that do not appear on this list: we are waiting for you in the comments!


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