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Mistermarkinos – Honesty in the world of fitness

Mistermarkinos – Honesty in the world of fitness

If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can follow their performance, compete and get discounts in nutrition and sports equipment stores. Download it here.

If there is any general criticism of the world of bodybuilding and fitness, it is the lack of transparency and honesty about how they get their results, their lifestyle or the challenges they supposedly achieve on social networks that are sometimes not real. Leaving the fitness theme a bit, we all know the case of Rawvana, who, having created an identity and a business around a raw vegan lifestyle (that is, she only ate vegan food without cooking), was “caught” in a Instagram story eating fish. She later confessed to having added animal protein to her diet due to various health problems, however her credibility was in tatters, as she continued to sell products and programs based on raw vegan food that was causing her problems.

Name Marcos Alvarez Garcia
Age 25 years
Ciudad Asturias / Valencia
Training Basic formation
Content Bodybuilding and Entertainment
Youtube Mistermarkinos – Fitness and physical exercise 101K Followers
Instagram marcos_alvarez_garcia 90.1K Followers
Twitter @marcos_alvrz 5.2K Followers
Facebook @mistermarkinos 5K likes

That is why Markinos always stood out in the world for his direct language, his videos with little editing and the absence of filters to say what he thought or felt. He started with fitness, uploading some training focused on performance since he was preparing for some oppositions and wanted to do a lot of pull-ups. His popularity skyrocketed precisely when he won a pull-up contest organized by our favorite popularizer Powerexplosive, for which he did a personal interview that made him quite well known.

However, perhaps influenced by his rise in popularity, but also by his own passions, he left the opposition and focused on the world of aesthetics, progressing to compete in Men’s Physique with more than acceptable results. His theme was relatively varied, but in general he recounted his daily sensations training and how his diet was changing over time, using the famous IIFYM “If it fits your macros” approach (Want to know more about this system, write us!) . His “cheat meals” are particularly famous in which he burst the sweets section of the supermarket that he would have chosen as a victim, you have to appreciate his honesty when it comes to counting the “dirty things” he ate and he did not pretend to be the most perfect on YouTube. He has also played strength training achieving a not inconsiderable 1RM for his height and weight.




Taking advantage of his recognition in the world, Mistermarkinos began advising people while continuing to publicize his lifestyle and also talking about more personal things and thanks to his success, sponsors began to arrive, passing to the vast Prozis staff. While the Youtube fitness sector was becoming more popular and many youtubers came eagerly to the platform, Markinos has gradually distanced himself from YouTube taking the day these lines are written, more than 3 months without posting anything new on his channel, although it continues to upload content on other platforms.

Why have we talked so much about your honesty? We all know that there is a shadow that hangs over the world of fitness or bodybuilding and that is the use of chemistry to achieve better results. It is true that when sponsors or other economic income is at stake, it is difficult to be frank in this sense and most of the world simply do not talk about the subject, but Marcos has stood out above all by letting down what his relationship is with this type of substance without affirm or deny anything categorically (at Fitenium we totally reject the use of doping substances, since they go against our philosophy of life and search for health).

Due to this, his undoubted charisma and all the contributions he has made to the world of training, Mistermarkinos is one of the influencers selected in our ranking of influencers.

Next week we’ll be back with Invicthor, another youtuber who’s talking about.

See you at Fitenium!


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