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Stay active on vacation: 6 sports and outdoor activities to enjoy at Easter


On holidays like Easter, you can take the opportunity to go to the gym with more energy, but change your focus or do other types of outdoor activities that you cannot do throughout the year due to lack of time. can also do.

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Things you can do in the mountains

1. Forest bath or Shinrin ball

Forest bathing is an outdoor activity originating from Japan, where you can immerse yourself in the forest atmosphere with all five senses. In Spain, groups like Selvans are already dedicated to this type of activity, which consists of a few hours of walking through the forest, breathing exercises and meditation guided by experts. This activity has been shown to help with blood pressure and stress and is ideal for anyone with a strong desire to take a vacation and get away from work.

2. Trekking

Hiking is a natural activity within the reach of almost everyone. Have your multi-directional studded trekking shoes or hiking boots to brace your ankles in case the terrain is very rough or wet.

Hiking is a low-impact cardiovascular activity. Therefore, it can be useful as an active recovery if you are a very active athlete throughout the year. You can also feel better by breathing fresh air and getting acquainted with nature.

Published on Unplash by Christian West

3. Arborism

Arborism is another activity that we can not only do in nature but that we can also integrate with it. It consists of a zip line between the trees of the forest, a rope to climb and slide through the net.

This type of activity is designed to be done in a group, so it is ideal to share with family and friends. In addition, companies in the sector usually organize different circuits depending on the difficulty to make them accessible to everyone.

From my personal experience, this results in a very complete action and does not stop with physical exertion, so I am changing the usual approach to stay active.

What can you do on the beach?

4. Volleyball in the sand

Volleyball is one of the star sports on the beach. You can play with or without the net, so all you need is a ball. This sport is perfect for group practice. Practicing barefoot on the sand is a good stimulus for our feet, which almost always get caught in the shoes.

5. Yoga

For regular yoga practitioners, vacations are probably an excuse to continue practicing yoga in another setting, but for those who haven’t yet, it may be the opportunity they’ve been waiting for. Having time to learn the basic principles, its use will certainly help to strengthen our habits that have a beneficial effect on our physical and psychological health.

Published on Unplash by FORMM agency

6. Circuit in the sand

Being at the beach and not having access to the gym is a great opportunity to change the focus of your training and adapt to the beach.

This can be an added challenge if you have never weighed and have never worked on the beach, as the unevenness of the sand increases your stability requirements and power consumption.

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