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The 7 most common infections you can get at the gym

Going to the gym is usually synonymous with healthy lifestyle habits, but unfortunately, people’s bad habits often make going to the gym a headache due to the lack of hygiene of those who use them. Some of the users you train with may be infected by certain bacteria and fungi.


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But this does not mean that Gym is a place where you should not go. Simply maintaining proper hygiene measures like washing your hands after using the toilet, wearing personal sandals in the shower, and drying sweat on your bench or machine will avoid the risk of infection.


Human papilloma virus


When we talk about human papillomavirus (HPV), we are actually talking about a group of viruses that are aggregated under this name (there are more than 2,000 different types) and it is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world.


The fact that the most common form of HPV infection is due to sexual intercourse, when it is contracted with gym users, it is very unlikely that the form of infection is associated with poor hygiene. In any case, make sure that the bench, machines and especially the bicycle seats are clean when you use them, since sweating increases the risk of infection.



Published on Unplash by Wesley Tingey


One of the hallmarks of HPV is that the person who carries it often doesn’t even know they have it, because the most common type usually has no symptoms. In other cases, the virus can cause the appearance of warts and, in the most serious cases, the appearance of certain types of cancer.


There is no cure for HPV, but there are a number of guidelines that can be followed when you have HPV (in addition to using birth control during sex or proper hygiene measures at the gym regarding sweating) such as using a towel. You can also consider the HPV vaccine that helps prevent high-risk HPV types.




The most common areas of the gym that can be infected by fungus are usually the machine rooms, the equipment and the bathrooms (mainly showers and toilets).


Published on Unplash by Brett Jordan


In the shower area, humidity causes the growth of fungus, so it is recommended to bathe in the shower with your feet protected.


In machine and weight rooms, on the other hand, the main cause of the infections that can occur is again the lack of hygiene of the people. Two of the main causes are sweat and not washing your hands when you return from the bathroom. Keep this in mind to clean yourself every time you use the machines and equipment at your center.


staph infection


There are more than 30 different types of staph, although the most common is usually “Staphylococcus aureus,” which can cause skin infections (such as acne), pneumonia, and food poisoning.


Usually there are no complications, but if the infection is severe enough, the bacteria can get into the bloodstream and cause sepsis, the consequences of which can be very serious.


As a general rule, these types of infections are usually treated with antibiotics.




Hair folliculitis is an infection that occurs when hair follicles (the part of the skin that helps hair grow) become infected with some bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus is usually the most common bacterium that causes this infection). The main recognizable symptom of this infection is the presence of a small white acne around one or more of these follicles.


Published on Unplash by Daria Volkova


Treatment depends on the type and severity of folliculitis. Either way, it must be prescribed by a doctor. Some of the existing types and operations are:


  • Staphylococcal folliculitis: the most common treatment is usually with topical or oral antibiotics (the doctor is in charge of making the prescription) until the infection disappears.
  • Pseudomonas folliculitis (jacuzzi folliculitis): it is one of the mildest types that can occur, and it rarely requires specific treatment, although the doctor may prescribe some treatment in this case.
  • Pseudofolliculitis barbae: the main treatment for this type of folliculitis is reduced to good personal hygiene habits, thanks to which the symptoms usually disappear.
  • Pityrosporum folliculitis: In this case, the most effective treatment is the use of oral or topical antifungals, since the use of antibiotics can worsen the situation.
  • Eosinophilic folliculitis: In the case of this very serious type of infection, the doctor can send us a treatment consisting of the use of oral corticosteroids.

cold and flu


Probably one of the most common infections or illnesses that can occur in the gym (and elsewhere). Regardless of whether or not you bring towels (which you should always bring), in the gym countless people are constantly touching objects and surfaces, so it is not possible to guarantee a 100% sterile environment.


In addition, viruses that are released by coughing and sneezing spread inside the closed spaces of gyms, increasing the risk of infection.




The infection may not sound familiar by name, but it is one of the most common toenail infections, caused by bacteria such as fungus. The main measure we can take to avoid this infection is to maintain proper personal hygiene. Still, don’t forget to wear shower shoes in the gym and avoid walking barefoot on the locker room floor or in the shower.


The main environment in which this infection can occur is in a moderately humid environment, an environment in which these fungi and bacteria are generated and spread more easily. Don’t forget to wear shoes that protect your feet from getting wet (again, personal hygiene is important to prevent these infections).


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