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Foods and habits that help prevent the flu


Low temperatures not only increase the presence of viruses and bacteria, but also reduce the body’s defenses and increase the risk of developing respiratory diseases. If you want to prevent the flu, these are 5 foods and 4 habits that can help you.


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5 foods to help prevent the flu


Eating a well-balanced diet with enough calories is important to prevent illnesses such as the flu, as some foods can reduce the risk of developing this condition, as described below.


green tea


Drinking hot tea can be really nice this season. Korean scientists say the antioxidant catechins, which are abundant in green tea, have antiviral effects that may reduce the risk of flu. Drinking green tea has been confirmed in a controlled human study to reduce flu infection.


It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day as a decoction. In this way you can accompany cakes, ice creams or other preparations.



Published on Unplash by Jade Stephens



Blue Fish


Oily or oily fish such as tuna, salmon, horse mackerel, sardines, and anchovies are an excellent source of vitamin D in winter with less exposure to sunlight. This nutrient prevents flu and plays an important role in body defense.


Similarly, oily fish is rich in Omega 3 and has an anti-inflammatory effect on our body. Therefore, the immune system is improved.


You can add oily fish through more complete dishes such as cakes, empanadas, salads, and others.




Beans and peanuts are good choices for adding zinc to your diet, a nutrient that helps prevent colds and flu by intervening in immune system function. However, in addition, legumes are an excellent source of fibers that have anti-inflammatory properties in our body and also help prevent a variety of respiratory disorders.


Dried or canned beans can be used in spoon dishes, fried foods, salads, and many other recipes.




Fluid intake helps keep the airways clean and prevents the buildup of mucus, viruses, and other infections. Very useful to prevent dryness.



Published on Unplash by Dainis Graveris


For this reason, drink water, infusions or foods rich in liquids such as soups, creams, etc. It is of great help to prevent flu and other diseases.


Fruits and vegetables


In fruits and vegetables we not only find high water and fiber contents that are beneficial for body care, but also several compounds with outstanding immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory functions. This can give us greater resistance to viral infections such as the flu.


Fruits and vegetables can be included in fresh pieces, salads or other very diverse preparations that allow a variety of diets.


Four healthy habits against the flu


Just as there are certain foods that help prevent the flu, there are also habits that help prevent respiratory diseases this season.


Wash your hands well


Whenever you leave the bathroom, before eating, when you leave the gym, when you enter the house, or whenever you have the opportunity, it is advisable to wash your hands to prevent any type of disease.





Published on Unplash by Armand Khoury


The flu is a disease caused by a virus that we can find in the environment and surrounding objects. Therefore, if you want to avoid transmission, it is a good practice to wash your hands frequently.


avoid cigarettes


If you want to prevent the flu, you should avoid tobacco as smoke can damage the airways and make them more vulnerable to respiratory illnesses like the flu and other infectious diseases, as shown in a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine. If so, quitting smoking can be very helpful. Also avoid exposure to cigarette smoke from others as much as possible.


Sleep well


According to Swedish scientists, lack of sleep can reduce antibodies against viral illnesses like the flu, and insomnia can increase the risk of getting sick.


Reducing stress to get a full sleep can positively affect your immune system.


Therefore, to keep your defenses in good shape, it is advisable to develop habits that help you sleep well every night.


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