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Carpal tunnel syndrome, recognized as an occupational disease


Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most frequent injuries at work. It is more common among women and often goes undiagnosed, although it affects up to 90% of the general population.


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Finally, the Social Security Institute has recognized carpal tunnel syndrome as an occupational disease in commerce. This means that it is currently recognized as a pathology that develops as a consequence of work, and that it is covered under the same conditions as occupational accidents by health mutuals or social security companies. This is an important fact since it affects a large part of the population.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the median nerve that runs through the forearm becomes trapped in the wrist area. Since the nerves and tendons of the finger flexors pass through this small cavity or “tunnel”, inflammation of the tendons or the presence of fluid in that area can cause confinement of the nerve.



Published on Unplash by Ayo Ogunseinde


Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in jobs that involve repetitive exercise, such as those who work in business, as is the specific case that led to the INSS being recognized as an occupational disease on this occasion. This pathology was already recognized as an occupational disease in other areas such as hospitality and office work.


To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, we recommend the use of ergonomic devices that result from office work.


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