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Calisthenics at home, how to train 2019

Calisthenics at home, how to train 2019

If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can share the progress they make with their calisthenics training at home. Download it here.

I am sure that it is not the first time that you consider starting to train constantly to improve your health and physical condition. You have gone to a gym and it may even be that you have paid several months in advance. You started out very motivated, but you have a complicated routine, little time and in the end you end up leaving the gym aside. You wonder what has gone wrong and you get frustrated because you have failed in your goals. Perhaps your best option is to train calisthenics at home if you don’t have time to train.

It is quite likely that you are not familiar with how to train calisthenics at home, but do not worry because in this article we will share with you tips and routines for calisthenics at home. You will have no excuse because the routines are done quite quickly, they are adaptable to your level and some do not require any type of material that everyone does not have at home.

For those who are not familiar, calisthenics is a training method in which you use your body and gravity to work your muscles, using repetition exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups or squats as well as tension exercises such as planks or “levers”. Normally to train calisthenics you need some minimum equipment that is a pull-up bar and parallel bars. However, to start calisthenics at home we will recommend exercises that do not require any specific material.

exercise progressions

In the gym, you usually progress through a progressive overload system, that is, you repeat the same exercise by adding more weight, repetitions or series. In calisthenics, it is true that you can weigh yourself down with many exercises, but especially for beginners, it is advisable to start with versions of the exercises.

Exercise 1: Push-ups

Level 1: Knee Push-upscalisthenics routine at home

Level 2: Incline Push-ups

calisthenics routine at homeLevel 3: Normal Push-ups

how to train calisthenics at homeLevel 4: Decline Push-ups

Exercise 2: Squats

Level 1: Partial Squats

Level 2: Parallel Squats

start calisthenics at home

Level 3: Deep Squats

Level 4: Single Leg Squats

calisthenics from scratch at home

exercise 3: backgrounds

Level 1: Bent Knee Dips

calisthenics for beginners at home

Level 2: Straight Leg Dips

calisthenics exercises at home

Level 3: Horizontal Funds

calisthenics routine at home

Level 4: Parallel Dips (equipment is required for this exercise)

how to train calisthenics at home

Exercise 4: Burpees

Level 1: Burpee with Chair

Level 2: Burpee in two counts

Level 3: Burpee in one beat

Level 4: Full Burpee

How do I know what level I am at? When you can do a set of 20 repetitions of each of these exercises, you’ll be reasonably ready to move on to the next level. The case of the squat is quite different from the others since the squat on one leg is very dependent on the balance and ankle mobility that you have more than on strength. We recommend that you visit our Calisthenics Leg Training article so you can see other options for progress by doing bodyweight squats.


To train at home easily and quickly, we recommend doing a circuit of the aforementioned exercises. Depending on your level you will opt for one level or another of each exercise and a number of repetitions. A simple progression that we like is to gradually increase series and repetitions until we level up in each exercise, returning to the initial number of repetitions. We will start with 3 rounds of 8 repetitions of all the exercises (except the squat, which will be double the repetitions), resting one minute between rounds and if we have managed to do the 3 rounds of 8 repetitions of an exercise without failing in any round, we will go up 3 repetitions ( or 6 in the case of the squat). Each home calisthenics exercise progresses differently, and we can go more advanced in some exercises than in others. Once we’re able to do maximum reps, we’ll add a fourth set to make sure we can move to the next level. The progression will be like this.

3 Rounds of 3 Rounds of 3 Rounds of 3 Rounds of 3 Rounds of 4 Rounds of
8 Knee Push-ups 11 Knee Push-ups 14 Knee Push-ups 17 Knee Push-ups 20 Knee Push-ups 20 Knee Push-ups
16 Partial Squats 22 Partial Squats 28 Partial Squats 34 Partial Squats 40 Partial Squats 40 Partial Squats
8 Bent Knee Dips 11 Bent Knee Dips 14 Bent Knee Dips 17 Bent Knee Dips 20 Bent Knee Dips 20 Bent Knee Dips
8 Burpee with Chair 11 Burpee with Chair 14 Burpee with Chair 17 Burpee with Chair 20 Burpees with Chair 20 Burpees with Chair


Once we can with this, we will move on to the next level of exercises.

3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 4 rounds
8 Incline Push Ups 11 Incline Push Ups 14 Incline Push Ups 17 Incline Push Ups 20 Incline Push Ups 20 Incline Push Ups
16 Parallel Squats 22 Parallel Squats 28 Parallel Squats 34 Parallel Squats 40 Parallel Squats 40 Parallel Squats
8 Bottoms with Straight Legs 11 Bottoms with Straight Legs 14 Bottoms with Straight Legs 17 Bottoms with Straight Legs 20 Bottoms with Straight Legs 20 Bottoms with Straight Legs
8 Burpees in two counts 11 Burpee in two counts 14 Burpee in two counts 17 Burpee in two counts 20 two-stroke burpees 20 two-stroke burpees


Once we are able to do this calisthenics routine at home, we can go back up.

3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 4 rounds
8 Normal Push-ups 11 Normal Push Ups 14 Normal Push Ups 17 Normal Push Ups 20 Normal Push Ups 20 Normal Push Ups
16 Deep Squats 22 Deep Squats 28 Deep Squats 34 Deep Squats 40 Deep Squats 40 Deep Squats
8 Horizontal Backgrounds 11 Horizontal Backgrounds 14 Horizontal Backgrounds 17 Horizontal Backgrounds 20 Horizontal Backgrounds 20 Horizontal Backgrounds
8 Burpees at a time 11 Burpees at a time 14 Burpees at a time 17 Burpees at a time 20 Burpees at a time 20 Burpees at a time


And finally, we would come to this routine.

3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 3 rounds of 4 rounds
8 Decline Push-ups 11 Decline Push-ups 14 Decline Push-ups 17 Decline Push-ups 20 Decline Push-ups 20 Decline Push-ups
16 Single Leg Squats 22 Single Leg Squats 28 Single Leg Squats 34 Single Leg Squats 40 Single Leg Squats 40 Single Leg Squats
8 Backgrounds in Parallels 11 Funds in Parallels 14 Backgrounds in Parallels 17 Backgrounds in Parallels 20 Backgrounds in Parallels 20 Backgrounds in Parallels
8 full burpees 11 full burpees 14 full burpees 17 full burpees 20 full burpees 20 full burpees


If you are able to do the last routine, it can be said that you have a fairly high physical level and you are a lover of training, so it will not be a big problem to join a gym to continue progressing.


You can start training with my little material is to improve, for this, calisthenics exercises at home are your best option, and with this routine you can progress until you reach a fairly high physical level.

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