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7 small gestures to start the day in a healthy way


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The morning should be the precursor to a productive day with a good time and help me plan a whole day. What are the best options to start from a series of gestures that improve our day? Starting a day in a healthy way is not complicated and requires a lot of effort and brings us great physical and mental benefits. Today we give you tips to start your day in the best possible way and prepare to make the most of it.

1. Wait until breakfast

It is common to come across the misconception that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day.” There is no scientific evidence for this claim.

In fact, fasting has proven to be a very useful tool in our daily lives. Studies show that a fasting interval of 12 to 20 hours between meals can bring all kinds of benefits to our health. The easiest thing is to delay breakfast and have dinner earlier. This is a small gesture that can have a big impact on our health. And when you combine this with exercise, the benefits can be even greater.

2. Choose products to eat and use healthy recipes

It seems obvious, but it is not clear. Especially in the morning, it tends to be comfortable when eating. Choosing healthy foods and options is not difficult and can be just as tasty and flavorful as poor options.

3. Order your day before you start

Sana Corpoa Sana of men, yes. But without a healthy man, there is no healthy body. An easy way to ensure a healthy and productive day is to organize it before you start. It’s the workout you need to make the most of your time, avoid downtime, and avoid frustration. Homework, work, exercise…

Published on Unplash by Sam Moqadam

You can organize your food, prepare food, visit markets or even do any special needs you may have. In this way you make sure to eat healthy and healthy without any kind of unforeseen. The organized day is a good day.

4. Start with physical activity

Starting exercise can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be synonymous with starting vigorous exercise. In the morning you can go for a walk and your body will be activated, then you can do a yoga exercise. There are hundreds of exercises and options to take advantage of. For example, the “Sun Salutation” can be completed in a few minutes.

If you want to train but you don’t have the motivation. Research shows that starting a day with physical exercise can be very beneficial.

5. Take a shower (and a little better if it’s cold)

There are people who cannot start the day without taking a shower. Going underwater is energizing, which helps us cleanse ourselves and have good hygiene. Also, it’s a little better during the day if you shower with cold water.

6. Cut down on coffee

I have to admit that this is one of the things I don’t follow, but the science is clear on this. It is inevitable that coffee negatively affects our health. According to the latest research, the substances contained in coffee are only positive as long as they are within the estimated dose.

7. Learning

I don’t feel like getting out of bed just waking up, but I want to take advantage of the first moment of the day. This is a great opportunity to read in bed! Especially if you never find the time to do it. Spending a few minutes reading in bed can be very motivating and enjoyable.

In this way, the brain is “activated” and “works” before entering the world. This gesture helps us feel great satisfaction first thing in the morning since we know that we are taking advantage of every moment and it gives us the opportunity to learn something new from the beginning of the day.

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