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Skulpt – a gadget that helps you to know the fat percentage and muscle quality of different areas of your body.


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Sometimes weighing yourself is part of the routine for most athletes, but we know that weighing yourself doesn’t give us a complete picture of our physical condition. The bioimpedance scale provides more specific data about your physical condition, from body fat percentage to visceral fat index or body water content, unlike the traditional scale.

However, because these measurements are not always accurate, you should use a more reliable method, such as precommetry, if you want to obtain information from specific areas of the body. It is not always possible for an expert to use the lipocaliper to make measurements or immediately measure muscle quality. For this, the Skulpt has come to us, since it allows you to know the quality of your muscles, the proportion of fat and muscle, and they give you advice to improve them.

Skulpt is a mobile-sized device that can measure both muscle mass, fat mass percentage and muscle quality in different parts of the body and provides comprehensive fitness information. The gadget connects to your phone via bluetooth and you can view all your measurement data via the free app for iOS and Android.

What are the advantages over traditional bioimpedance?

Basically, the bioimpedance scale provides a global calculation of fat and muscle mass without taking into account the different parts of the body (generally stores more fat than other areas). In Sculpt, on the other hand, you can move region by region for more precise calculations.

In addition, muscle quality data allows us to check if our muscle mass is balanced, thus avoiding possible injuries caused by muscle imbalance and indicating whether it is necessary to work on any area unilaterally.

Based on all this data, Skulpt also offers us personalized training and nutrition advice so that, although it can never replace the work of a personal trainer or nutritionist, they can be a good complement.

Skulpt costs $99 (around €89 to change) and can be purchased on the official website.


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