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Kegel exercises and pelvic floor: exercise for men and women

Athletes and active non-athletes often ignore the pelvic floor muscles. Still, a firm pelvic floor improves overall health, improves sex, and improves your health.


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Pelvic floor movements are generally associated with women immediately after birth and are tricky. It is very important that the pelvic floor fits after childbirth. But the truth is that both men and women of all ages can benefit from a toned pelvic floor.


The most common questions when talking about the pelvic floor


Talking about the pelvic floor is a somewhat “taboo” topic, in some cases, and perhaps most of the time due to total ignorance. Therefore, the most common questions related to this part of the anatomy will be highlighted below.


Do men also have pelvic floor?


The answer is clear. of course. Both men and women have pelvic floor muscles, so we both need to exercise to keep it in shape. Urinary and rectal incontinence problems can affect both men and women and can be improved by using Kegel exercises.


Published on Unplash by Victor Freitas


In men, the tone of the pelvic floor muscles can improve the sexual experience by helping to maintain erections and control ejaculation.


Why is pelvic floor work especially recommended before and after childbirth?


The female body changes during the course of pregnancy. The baby begins to grow inside the mother’s body and the pelvic floor muscles support the weight of the body as it begins to live in our body. Therefore, it is important that the pelvic floor muscles are properly prepared.


At birth, especially in the second stage, the pelvic floor is highly stressed, so pelvic floor muscle tone is important and can be trained to improve childbirth. Maintaining a trained pelvic floor also helps prevent injuries such as perineal tears.


After giving birth, the mother’s body does not magically return to its previous state: the pelvic floor has been overweight for 9 months and needs to recover. One way to do this is to do a Kegel exercise.


Published on Unplash by Quino Al


If I am not a mother, should I worry about the health of the pelvic floor?


Yes, it is not just a problem for women who are giving birth or planning to become mothers, it is something that affects everyone because toning the pelvic floor improves overall health.


If your pelvic floor muscles are in good shape, you can protect yourself from various medical conditions, such as sagging and prolapse of the organs above them.


Also, after menopause, muscles tend to weaken, especially if you didn’t exercise before. Therefore, it is important to condition your pelvic floor muscles sufficiently.


Does sport affect the pelvic floor?


Yes, it occurs in both men and women. In impact sports like running, the pelvic floor muscles are weakened by the micro-impacts received with each step. The impact generated on the ground when landing the foot during the landing phase with strides returns to us with the same intensity. Part of this impact is absorbed by the shoe, while another is absorbed by the joints, including the pelvic floor.


Published on Unplash by Marcos Paulo Prado


Using good running technique, wearing heavily padded shoes, and exercising your pelvic floor regularly are three ways to protect and keep your pelvic muscles fit.


Are there any activities that can be performed on the pelvic floor?


Yoga and especially Pilates works all the muscles in our core, including the pelvic floor muscles. The well-known Kegel exercises are excellent allies to keep the pelvic floor active.


How many days and how long do you need to exercise your pelvic floor?


Kegel exercises to move the pelvic floor can be done daily for about 5 minutes a day and, above all, anywhere. You will not notice who is aware of the internal muscles. All you need to do is calmly control your breathing.


A pelvic floor training session usually integrates different types of exercises: short contractions, holding contractions for a longer period of time, “fixed” contractions and rest… about 5 minutes a day is enough.


Do you have accessories to find the pelvic floor muscles?


A useful accessory when working on the pelvic floor is a vaginal weight or Chinese ball. Variable weight balls covered with medical grade silicone that can be used at any time to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

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