Crossfit heroes: the most intense WODs.
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“Crossfit Heroes” are some of the most intense workouts you can tackle in your trusted Box. They are training sessions in honor of soldiers of the American army who died for the freedom of their country. That is why they must be done with maximum intensity to honor these heroes. All these references are logical considering the link between Crossfit and military training, especially in its early days.
Without further introduction, here we present the main Crossfit Heroes and their Hero Wods.
Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor was a Petty Officer First Class, who died in Afghanistan in June 2005.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of a 21-15-9 formed by:
assisted handstand push-ups
Funds in Rings
Push ups
Michael Mcgreevy was a Marine Lieutenant, who died in Afghanistan in June 2005.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
800 meter race
50 lumbar extensions
50 crunches
Daniel Crabtree was a Army Sergeant who died in Iraq in 2006.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
50 mastered
400 meter race
21 Thrusters con 43 kilos
800 meter race
21 Thrusters con 43 kilos
400 meter race
50 mastered
Mark Carter “Badger” was a Marine petty officer, who died in Iraq in 2007
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
30 Squat Cleans con 43 kilos
30 Dominated
800 meter race
Joshua Hager was a soldier of the land army, who died in Iraq in 2007
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
21 Overhead Squats with 43 kilos
42 Dominated
15 Overhead Squats with 43 kilos
30 Dominated
9 Overhead Squats with 43 kilos
18 Dominated
Jason Dale Lewis was a Navy Seal, who died in Iraq in 2007 while conducting combat operations.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
100 Sentadillas – 5 Muscle ups
75 Sentadillas – 10 Muscle ups
50 Sentadillas – 15 Muscle ups
25 Sentadillas – 20 Muscle ups
Travis Griff was a sergeant in the United States Air Force, killed in Iraq in 2008 by a homemade explosive device.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
run 800 meters
run 400 meters backwards
run 800 meters
run 400 meters backwards
Joshua Withaker was a sergeant in the Army, who died in Afghanistan in 2007.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of a 21-21-21 formed by:
Right Hand 22kg Dumbbell Snatch
Pull-ups in L
Left Hand 22kg Dumbbell Snatch
Pull-ups in L
Nate Hardy was an Army Non-Commissioned Officer, who died in Iraq in 2007 while conducting combat operations.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of an AMRAP (all the repetitions you can during a period of time) of 20 minutes of:
22 Muscle Ups
4 assisted handstand pushups
8 Kettlebell Swings
Erin Doyle was a Canadian Army Corporal who died while fighting a fire in Afghanistan.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 5 rounds per time of:
15 Cleans with 22 kilos Dumbbell
21 dominated
Michael Murphy was a lieutenant in the land army, who died in Afghanistan in 2005.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
Run one mile (1609.34 meters)
100 Dominated
200 push-ups
300 Squats
Run one mile (1609.34 meters)
Mr. Joshua
Joshua Harris was an Elite Soldier, who died in Afghanistan in 2008 during combat operations.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 5 rounds per time of:
run 400 meters
30 Gluteal and Hamstring Abdominals (Glute-Ham Situps)
15 Deadlifts with 115kg
Timothy Davis was an Air Force Sergeant, who died in Iraq in 2009 when his vehicle was attacked with a homemade explosive.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 5 rounds per time of:
12 Deadlifts with 70 kilos
9 Hang Power Clean con 70 kilos
6 Push Jerk con 70 kilos
Danny Sakai was a SWAT sergeant who died in 2009 while in the line of duty.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of an AMRAP (all the repetitions you can during a period of time) of 20 minutes of:
30 box jumps
20 Push press con 50kg
20 Dominated
Daniel Hansen was an Army Sergeant, killed in Afghanistan while trying to detonate an explosive device.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
30 Gluteal and Hamstring Abdominals (Glute-Ham Situps)
Tyler Parten was a Lieutenant First Class, who died in Afghanistan when his unit was attacked by insurgents with grenades and other firearms.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 5 rounds per time of:
7 Muscle Up
21 Sumo Deadlifts up to the neck (Sumo Deadlift Hi-Pull) with 43 kilos
Stephen Bouzane was a Canadian Light Infantry corporal who died in Afghanistan in 2007 from an attack with a homemade explosive.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of a 30-25-20-15-10-5 of:
Gluteal Hamstring Situps (Glute-Ham Situps)
Back Extension
knee to elbow
Deadlift stiff legs with 43kg
Garrett Lawton was an Army Captain, killed in Afghanistan by a homemade explosive device.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring Push-ups
25 Pull-ups in L
War Frank
Warren Frank was a US Army Captain, who died in Iraq in 2008 while supporting combat operations.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
25 Muscle Ups
100 Squats
35 Gluteal and Hamstring Abdominals (Glute-Ham Situps)
Ryan McGhee was an Army officer, killed in Iraq in 2009 in combat.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of an AMRAP (all the repetitions you can during a period of time) of 30 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts with 125 kilos
13 push-ups
9 Box Jumps
Andrew Nuttall was a Lieutenant in the Canadian Army, killed in Afghanistan by a homemade explosive device.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 1 round per time of:
10 assisted handstand push-ups
15 Deadlifts with 113kg
25 Box Jumps
50 Dominated
100 Medicine Ball Throws to the Wall
200 double jump rope
400 meter race with 20 kilos of ballast
The Seven
In December 2009, a suicide attack killed 7 CIA agents in Afghanistan.
The WOD of these crossfit heroes consists of 7 rounds per time of:
7 assisted handstand push-ups
7 Thrusters with 70 kilos
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Deadlift with 110 kilos
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Dominated
Robert Cottle was a Navy reservist and police officer, killed in Afghanistan in 2010 by a homemade explosive device.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 5 rounds per time of:
800m race
5 climb the rope
50 push ups
Ronald Luce was a Captain of the Army, who died in Afghanistan after his vehicle was attacked by explosive devices.
The WOD of this crossfit hero consists of 3 rounds per time of:
1000m race
10 Muscle Ups
100 Squats
All with a 10 kilo weighted vest