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When to strength train

When to strength train

This entry discusses in a general way when to train strength according to the needs of each subject.

In this series of articles we deal with some of the most important concepts of strength training, collecting notes from the recently published book Strength, Speed ​​and Physical and Sports Performance written by renowned researchers Juan José González Badillo and Juan Ribas Serna.

What is known as strength training, that is to say, the trainings that use the exercises that have been previously described as bench press and squat and other similar ones, must be carried out at the moment in which the subject is not fatigued.

In addition, after doing strength training so that the post-workout protein synthesis process could be carried out, except in the first phase, sufficiently.

strength training should be performed at a time when the subject is not fatigued

The best combination of strength training and any other (generally a specific training of some sports specialty) occurs when both trainings are distanced, performing each of them on different days, or at least separated by 5-6 hours of interval if they do on the same day.

This is especially important when the other is a type of training that can produce a significant degree of fatigue. In the event that the two workouts are done on the same day, it is possible that the strength training is done in the morning and the other in the afternoon or vice versa, but on this day the other training should be done with the lowest fatigue values ​​of the week.

When to strength train

For example, strength training is done in the morning, the other would be done in the afternoon with high intensities, but with shorter efforts and longer recovery times between them. In this case, strength training in the morning could serve as a positive stimulus and activation (potentiation?) for the afternoon.

If the strength training was done in the afternoon, this possible positive stimulus could not be used, but the effect of the strength training could benefit from the fact that after the strength training no other type of effort is made until the next day . If it is not possible to do the strength training and the others on different days or separated from each other by about 5-6 hours, the strength training should always be done before the other.

the characteristics of the strength training must be such that they do not impede or interfere with other training, generally a specific training carried out afterwards

In this case, if possible (you should try to make it possible), you should allow 10-15 minutes of recovery before starting the second workout. This combination will reduce the effect of strength training on the improvement of one’s own strength, but it will be much more positive than if the strength training is done after another training, when the subject is fatigued.

In addition, it must be taken into account that strength training carried out before the other will hardly have a negative effect on it, since the characteristics of the strength training must be such that they do not impede or interfere with other training, generally a specific training carried out after . These characteristics are met if the degree of fatigue generated by strength training is moderate, which will offer the best benefits for both strength improvement and specific performance.

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