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These are factors that increase and prevent the risk of high blood pressure.


There are certain factors that predispose to high blood pressure, such as pregnancy, age 60 or older, African race, kidney disease, diabetes, and sleep aspiration. However, there are many other modifiable risk factors that can be acted upon to prevent this disease.


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Actions that help reduce hypertension.


Keep active

According to the latest research, exercise helps lower blood pressure even more than previously thought.

Maintaining an active life helps promote regular movements that not only reduce the risk of being overweight, but also promote vasodilators and blood circulation. People who are physically inactive often have a high heart rate and high blood pressure. Therefore, it is always advisable to be as active as possible and exercise regularly if possible.


Published on Unplash by Paul Melki


reduce stress

Within the chronic occurrence factors for hypertension, stress occupies the first position. Try to decrease it as much as possible.


Control Salt (sodium chloride) and potassium.

The molecular state of sodium allows it to become a liquid, which increases blood pressure; so depending on the amount of sodium in your body, there is a risk of accumulation of this substance. Avoid super-processed foods and control sources of potassium.



stop drinking and/or smoking tobacco

Smoking and drinking temporarily increase blood pressure and can gradually damage the cardiovascular system, cause irreversible changes over time and accelerate the development of hypertension. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid alcohol intake and not to smoke, since this habit is unhealthy and very harmful to health in general.


As you know, high blood pressure can manifest itself from causes beyond your habits, but you can also avoid the factors mentioned above to reduce your risk of contracting the disease.


Published on Unplash by Alex Shaw




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