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3-day gym routine, the best options

3-day gym routine, the best options

If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can share the progress you make from training, so we look forward to seeing your progress with your favorite 3-day gym routine. Download it here.

When it comes to progressing in the gym, there is a lot of noise about what is the ideal number of optimal training sessions. Most gym users train 4 or 5 times a week, although there is scientific evidence that suggests that we will enjoy most of the benefits of exercise simply by training 2 times a week. If you are one of those people who does not have a lot of time and can only train a couple of times a week, we recommend that you review our article on training protocols in two sessions. However, there are also a large number of people who have time to train 3 times a week and there are also a large number of very efficient protocols to progress without spending more days. In this article we will present several examples of a very complete and efficient 3-day gym routine.

Why go to the gym for three days?

Both hypertrophy and strength gain do not occur while we train, but in the subsequent process of recovery from our training. Training is just one more piece in muscle development. That is why a 3-day gym routine is a great option for people who do not have much time to rest and barely get 5-6 hours of sleep. Of course, those rest days do not imply lying on the sofa, but we can take advantage of it to do some cardiovascular training, stretching, perhaps a foam roller routine or simply be active that day. Light bodyweight training may be a good option, but never go above a 5 or 6 on the scale of perceived exertion.

So don’t be afraid to limit your progress and use any of our three day gym routines!

Access the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free.

routine 3 days

Routine 1: Full body

If this routine already sounds familiar to you, it is because we already recommended it in our 3-day Fullbody Routine article. It is one of our favorite divisions and we recommend it to anyone starting to train. It’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the gym basics of the Bench Press, Squats, Deadlifts, and Military Presses. Anyone who starts out in the gym with this routine is going to progress like a rocket.

When organizing the routine, we recommend leaving at least one day of rest between each training session, the most common division being to train Monday, Wednesday and Friday and rest Tuesday and Thursday, but we can do it however we want.

That being said, this is the 3-day fullbody type gym routine.

Day 1

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Back Squat 3 6 3-4 min
Press Banca 3 10 2-3 min
Romanian Deadlift 3 10 2-3 min
Funds in Parallels 3 8 1-2 min
Standing Calf Raise 3 10 1-2 min
Dumbbell Biceps Curl 3 10 1-2 min


Day 2

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Dead weight 3 5 3-4 min
Press Militar 3 8 3-4 min
T Bar Row 3 12 2-3 min
Quadriceps Extension 3 12 1-2 min
Pulley Openings 3 12 1-2 min
Crunch Abdominal 3 12 1-2 min
Skull Crusher Dumbbell 3 12 1-2 min


Day 3

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Dumbbell Lunge 3 10 2-3 min
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 8 2-3 min
Supine Pulley Pulldown 3 10 2-3 min
Hip Thrust 3 12 2-3 min
Seated Facepull 3 12 1-2 min
Side Raise 3 10 1-2 min
Curl Femoral 3 10 1-2 min


You can track your training much more effectively using the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free. You will not only find the exercises that you must perform each day, but also advanced visualizations to follow your progress and achieve results.

Access the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free.


Fitenium Fullbody Routine 3 days

Rutina 2: Push – Pull – Legs

This routine for three days in the gym is the little sister of the 6-day Pull – Push – Legs for people with a lot of time to train and with good rest. As usual in this type of divisions, multi-joint exercises are prioritized to optimize each series that we do in the gym. In this case, the routine is divided into a push training (push) in which we do movement patterns in which we move the weight away from us (bench press, military press, French press…), another pull training ( pull) in which we draw the weight towards us (rowing, facepull, chin-ups…) and a leg day in which we work on both movement patterns.

This routine is very interesting for people who combine the gym with other sports, since it allows them to conveniently organize their leg day according to their stipulated rest. As always, we recommend leaving a day of active rest between training sessions, since every time we visit the gym it will be quite demanding.

Day 1 – Push or Push

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Press Bank with Barra 3 6 3-4 min
Dumbbell Military Press 3 8 3-4 min
French Press with Cable 3 12 2-3 min
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10 2-3 min
Cable Lateral Raise 3 12 1-2 min
Closed Barbell Bench Press 3 12 1-2 min


Day 2 – Pull or Pull

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
dominated 3 6 3-4 min
Unilateral Dumbbell Row 3 8 3-4 min
Dumbbell Biceps Curl 3 12 2-3 min
Pulley Pulley Closed grip 3 10 2-3 min
Facepull with Pulley 3 12 1-2 min
Bicep Curl on Polea 3 12 1-2 min


Day 3 – Leg

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Back Squat 3 6 3-4 min
Romanian Deadlift 3 8 3-4 min
Gemelo Sitting or Hack 3 15 2-3 min
Stride 3 10 2-3 min
Hip Thrust con Barra 3 10 1-2 min
Calf Extension Press 3 20 1-2 min


Access the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free.

Remember that you can find your personalized training program in the Fitenium app. You will not only find the exercises that you should perform each day, but also visualizations of how to perform them, notes on training programs, rest times and much more.

Push pull legs routine

Routine 3: Torso – Pierna – Fullbody

This three-day gym routine is a variation of the previous one in which we give more weight to the lower body. In the end, our legs are almost 50% of our muscle mass, so it makes sense to give them about half of our training. This training is very interesting to obtain a balanced physique and it places a lot of emphasis on strength, since the third day is exclusively a basic training.

Perhaps the only problem could be that training so much strength can interfere with other sports goals, so this routine is ideal for people who want to progress in strength, aesthetics and don’t have much time.

Day 1 – Torso

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Press Banca Barra 3 8 3-4 min
Dumbbell Military Press 3 10 3-4 min
dominated 3 8 2-3 min
Unilateral Dumbbell Row 3 10 2-3 min
Barbell Bicep Curl 3 12 1-2 min
French Press with Cable 3 12 1-2 min


Day 2 – Leg

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Barbell Squat 3 8 3-4 min
Hip Thrust 3 10 3-4 min
Twin in Press 3 20 2-3 min
Barbell Lunge 3 10 2-3 min
Romanian Deadlift 3 12 1-2 min
Twin in Hack or Sitting 3 20 1-2 min


Day 3 – Full Body

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Dead Weight 3 6 3-4 min
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 8 3-4 min
Front Squat 3 10 2-3 min
Dumbbell Military Press 3 10 2-3 min
Remo Pendlay o Yates 3 8 1-2 min
Facepull 3 15 1-2 min


Access the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free.

Follow your progress on your profile in Fitenium app. You will have at your disposal all kinds of metrics about your progress and evolution, exercises performed and calendar. Also, if you wish, we can send you training notifications and personalized emails with your progress.

Full body torso leg routine

Routine 4: TRX and elastic bands to train at home

Not all of us have the same obligations and many people are limited to training at home, but that should not be a reason to stop training since we also have an exercise routine 3 days a week for which you only need some suspension system and our body weight to do our training.

All those mothers and fathers who have to keep an eye on them while working out, this routine is for you!

Day 1: Chest – Triceps

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Suspension Chest Press 3 6 3-4 min
Declined Pushups 3 10 3-4 min
Openings in Suspension 3 12 2-3 min
Fund in bank 3 10 2-3 min
Closed Pushups 3 8 1-2 min
Suspension Triceps Extensions 3 15 1-2 min

Day 2: Back – Biceps

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Inverted Row in Suspension 3 8 3-4 min
Vertical Pulldown with Elastic Band 3 10 3-4 min
Unilateral Deadlift with Elastic Band 3 12 2-3 min
Curl Biceps in Suspension 3 10 2-3 min
Bicep Curl with Elastic Band 3 10 1-2 min
Facepull in Suspension 3 12 1-2 min

Day 3: Legs and Shoulder

Exercise Sets repetitions Rest
Vertical Press with Elastic Band 3 8 3-4 min
Lateral Raise with Elastic Band 3 10 3-4 min
Front Raise with Elastic Band 3 12 2-3 min
Suspension Sissy Squat 3 10 2-3 min
Suspension Stride 3 10 1-2 min
Femoral Curl in Suspension 3 12 1-2 min


Access the Fitenium app where you can train this routine for free.

Create a training habit with Fitenium app. Look at this training calendar. Do you think you can match it? With Fitenium you can achieve it. You also have the option to record your execution on video to follow your technique and avoid injuries.

TRX routine and elastic bands to train at home


Doing a 3-day gym routine is more than enough to gain strength and muscle mass. What’s more, some studies even suggest that it may be an optimal number of sessions with adequate volume and rest. However, we cannot forget that much of the progress comes from the diet, whether we want to lose fat or if our goal is to gain muscle mass.

With all these possibilities, the only thing that stands between you and getting fit is your own perseverance and the motivation of a community of athletes like you and me who share their workouts, you don’t even need a gym. Good luck in this adventure, you have just taken the first step to change your life!

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