Borja Zurita

7 Benefits of Crossfit (and some drawbacks)

Admittedly, there hasn’t been a training program with the impact of Crossfit for a long time. We are sure that you have started to hear strange words like “WOD”, “Box” or “EMOM” and you may even think that it is…

calistenia en casa

Calisthenics at home, how to train 2019

Calisthenics at home, how to train 2019 If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can share the progress they make with their calisthenics…


BCAAs in depth

BCAAs IN DEPTH What are BCAAs? BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. They are essential amino acids; the body is unable to produce these compounds on its own. In principle, the body is capable of forming…

beneficios del ejercicio

Benefits of physical exercise

Benefits of physical exercise If you don’t already know Fitenium is a free, mobile, video-based social network for athletes who train strength or bodyweight exercises. At Fitenium users can share the progress you get from training, so we look forward…


To squat or not to squat?

      To #squat or not to squat? Is the #squat bad for the #knees? Does your #back suffer? And the tendons? What’s the smell of clouds? There are many questions around the squat and above all a lot…


Train with FITENIUM app! – Definition Routine

Train with FITENIUM app! – Routine definition This definition routine is suitable when you are in a late definition phase, when we cannot tolerate a lot of workload and it is interesting to include a little cardiovascular work to maintain…