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Alcohol is a risk factor for dementia


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Control the alcohol you drink for your health.


It has recently been found that alcohol consumption and the pathologies derived from it are the main avoidable risk factors for the development of all types of dementia, especially early-onset dementia.


This is a recently published study by The Lancet of more than a million adults diagnosed with dementia. A specific analysis of the effects of problems caused by alcohol use was carried out to identify psychological and behavioral diseases, as well as chronic diseases that may be due to chronic harmful use of alcohol (WHO measures 60 grams per day for men). More than pure alcohol, about 4-5 drinks are placed, about 40 grams in women).






Published on Unplash by Jakob Owens


The results showed that 57% of these cases of early dementia (before the age of 65) may be associated with chronic alcohol use.


Alcohol often doesn’t come alone…


In addition, problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption are often associated with other risk factors for dementia, such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, low educational level, or depression.


According to the study authors this means that the damage caused by a repeated overdose of alcohol does not come alone but with other symptoms that are often not associated with alcohol consumption itself.


If you needed a reason to moderate your alcohol consumption, now you have it!

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